We very much regret The Care Collective has ceased trading at 31 March 2024.

If you are an unpaid carer please contact your local authority who can advise what support they can offer, usually through their social services department.

In your area
In your area

Cardiff & the Vale of Glamorgan

If you are an unpaid carer in the Cardiff and the Vale area, you have come to the right place as we are the one-stop-shop for unpaid carers in these areas.

Services in Cardiff and the Vale
In your area


The Care Collective works across Gwent providing support to unpaid carers.

Services in Gwent
In your area

Cwm Taf Morganwg

The Care Collective provides a range of services in the Cwm Taf Morganwg area, as do the Local Authorities in the area.

Services in Cwm Taf Morgannwg